Sunday, September 22, 2019

Recommendation paper about google Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Recommendation paper about google - Essay Example Based upon the SWOT analysis, the summary of the important recommendations that are provided for the direction of Google’s strategy are as follows (a) tailoring its product to suit local markets rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all strategy (b) integrating its products to allow customers to shift seamlessly from one product to the other (c) moving into the social networking domain and (d) addressing privacy issues in order to promote widespread use of its products. The company is named â€Å"Google†, a play on the word â€Å"Googol† that is a mathematical term for the number 1 followed by a hundred zeros.( This represents the spirit of the company, to be constantly innovating and branching out into new areas, so that the company has now evolved into a global enterprise employing 16,800 people and reporting revenues of $16,594 million for the fiscal year ended December 2007.(Datamonitor, 2008). But as this report will demonstrate, staying at the forefront of innovation is important, but so is consolidation of the gains that Google has achieved so far, as well as effective integration and streamlining of its products and operations. Google has been at the forefront of innovation over the years, continuously adding improved features. Some of these include AdWords, Google Scholar, Google Earth and Froogle. Over a short period of twelve years, the company has evolved into a global technology leader that is focused upon improving the ways in which people connect with information. It occupies a strong market position through the use of its proprietary technology and infrastructure (DataMonitor, 2008). It’s AdWords and AdSense programs have been significant generators of revenue from advertising. But the weaknesses in the company are the failure to effectively integrate products, and a weak presence in the social networking domain. The company also faces competitive threats from companies

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