Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Environmental Impact of Aviation Essay Example for Free

Environmental Impact of Aviation Essay Today, the world is bothered by the environmental issues reverberating in different parts of the world. Part of this environmental issue is focused on global warming. As part of the whole world’s response on the important concern, laws and policies have been drafted. Some of the known environmental policies are Clean Air Act and the Kyoto Protocol. Meanwhile, the Kyoto Protocol is an agreement between different nations, mainly industrialized, adopted on December 1997 in Kyoto, Japan (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2008). The central function of the protocol is to set a target on the greenhouse gas emission for member countries (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2008). This is to further reduce the impending consequences of the greenhouse effect. Since the report of international scientist that climate change is worsening, all sector of the society and all nations have been invited to participate in activities primarily to help cut gas emissions. Each government of member nations also implemented programs in order to reduce the gas emission that is aggravating the global environment situation. For the past years, the reality of the phenomenon has been severally debated, even among politicians. Eventually, environment was considered as priority in the policy making. Additionally, the international concern on global warming has reached every sector, big or small, in the society. Among the business sectors, rules and regulations have also been adopted internationally in order that a standard of environmentally hazardous substances be eliminated or minimized. An example could be the non use of lead. In Europe, the Restriction on Hazardous Substances was adopted and imposed upon all its suppliers worldwide (ROHS, 2008). According to the guidelines, minimum amount of the hazardous substances should be maintained. Hence, quality of the product depends on the substances comprising the product. The environmental issue, however, is not only limited to gas emissions and global warming. Instead it covers all kinds of pollution. In the field of aviation, policies and guidelines on environmental compliance also apply. Aviation plays a vital role in transportation. It is the easiest, fastest, and more convenient means in transporting people and goods from one border to another or from nation to nation. Being an essential factor in the growth of economy, it also has an essential contribution to global warming and other environmental problems. Remarkably, the aviation contributes to various environmental problems. One of the major problems faced by aviation industry is the noise pollution being suffered by the residence nearby airports (Kutz, 2008). At present, the aviation is one among the growing business opportunities. Since new and more improved planes have been introduced, the air traffic also increases. As such, there is also intensification of the environmental concerns. The second environmental problem affecting the industry is the climate change. Climate change is the foremost environmental phenomenon that is bothering the international community. In addition, it is believed to be the cause of the drastic change in weather and the emergence of illnesses. The third major problem being caused by aviation is the poor air quality (Kutz, 2008). All these environmental concerns are mandated by laws to be addressed by the aviation industry. In the field of aviation, BAA is widely known for being the world’s leading airport company (House of Commons, et. al. , 2004). At present, it is operating eight airports namely; Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Southampton, and Naples (BAA, 2008). At present, its success still continues to shine and more developments are being planned in the future. In a report propounded by the BAA for year 2005-2006, the company laid down in details the achievements and plans of each airport. Aside from that, it also presented its financial statement to show the financial operation of the company. At a glance, the company has indeed a successful and is in a stable financial status. The over-all operation and employee handling are excellent. According to Mick Temple, Divisional Director, the company recognizes the existence of the environmental issues (Temple). But, the report of BAA did not actually addressed all issue about environment related to airline or airport. In addition, the BAA presented its report in a categorical yet orderly manner. After presenting the achievements, developments, and plans of each airport, the BAA also discussed issues faced by the company. It has specified corporate responsibilities. In scrutinizing the report, the BAA did not actually address all environmental problems. As stated earlier, aviation industry is challenged by problems on poor air quality, noise pollution, and climate change. In the report of the BAA, the report laid down the corporate responsibilities of the company but in a summarized and general form. Although it has addressed all the problems cited, it did not actually specified its future plan, present programs, current status and its over-all stand on the impending environmental problems. In addressing the environmental problem on air quality, the report stated its concern on the problem that is affecting both local and national (Temple). Notably, airports around emits nitrogen dioxide and other fine particles that have negative effect on heath and environment (BAA, 2008). In addition, it has stressed on government’s declaration of Heathrow’s compliance to EU Air Quality Standard (Temple). Contributing to poor air quality, however, are M4 and M25 traffic (BAA, 2008). Likewise, the report merely added measures it can implement in order to comply with the standard. These measures include â€Å"investing in public transport, promoting alternative fuels for airport- based vehicles, and using charges to penalise aircraft with poorer emissions standards† (Temple, p. 35). However, no other reports were propounded to show that these measures have been adopted. Furthermore, the company merely reiterates its desire to review its emission while extending help to other companies with regard to the problem. As to noise pollution, the aviation is considered as one among the major contributor due to noise caused by take offs and landings? taxiing, and engine tests (BAA, 2008). With regard to BAA’s stand on noise pollution, the company has laid down its strategies in minimizing the noise. In addition, it stated its desire to work with local government, airlines, and air traffic controllers to jointly implement these strategies. First strategy is the encouragement on the use of quieter new aircraft and engine by the manufacturers (Temple). The second strategy is giving reward to those airlines using a quieter aircrafts. The fourth strategy is the improvement of compliance with quieter operating practices (Temple). The last strategy is concerned with updates of information by keeping the noise-sufferers informed better (Temple). Today, the company is doing its part in addressing the complaints of those affected by the noise of airports. Furthermore, on the most relevant environmental issue on climate change, the company proudly stressed its target of 15% reduction on its carbon dioxide emission by 2010, which is even higher than the standard (Temple). The company’s strategy is focused on energy efficiency and renewable energy (Temple). Moreover, it has also implied its adherence to Emission trading which allows business incapable of achieving the target to buy permits from those industries that are capable but only within an overall cap (Temple). At present, the company is lobbying for the recognition of the emission trading to be an acceptable mechanism in greenhouse gas emission. In addition, in its desire to reduce the impact of climate change, the company is committed in investing into new energy efficient technology, sourcing out more renewable energy, reducing emissions of vehicles in the airport, among others (BAA, 2008). Based on the above mentioned, the report of BAA may be said to have mentioned the major environmental problems faced by airlines and airports. However, it was not able to state its impact on environment. It did not also laid down the programs it has adopted to address the issue. But nevertheless, it has recognized its role in the environment. By looking into the context of the report, is can be said that the company has been unfairly assessed. It is unfair on the reason that the report presented more on the developments, future plans, and achievements of the company but did not directly addressed on the corporate responsibilities. It is true that corporate responsibility have been included in the middle part, but there is no clear stand of the company. The report stressed on the company’s plan to expand, increase passengers, intensify investment but there are no more details as to the company’s action on environmental issues. Significantly, it did not state any of its achievements in helping in the abatement of the environmental problems. It merely presented it strategies but no update has been included as to the implementation and status of the company. Interestingly, the report of the Managing Directors of each airport has concentrated on the importance of shareholders. Hence, the report was concentrated on the good sides about the company. Airports and airlines are considered as one among the places vulnerable of being attacked by terrorist groups. Notably, in 2007, Glasgow Airport has been attacked by terrorists (BAA, 2008). On that very threatening day, the company has been given an idea on the loopholes on the airport’s security. It is also of no doubt that millions of passengers and employees come in and out of the airport. In line with this, the treat of terrorism has made passenger paranoid about safety. Hence, it is but necessary that safety should be the paramount concern of the company. In response to the attack in July, 2007, the company declared its dedication in making its passengers secure. As part of its response, the company has closely worked with the Department for Transport (DfT) for guidance on its security measures (Temple). Moreover, in concurrence with the government’s standard, the company has conducted a full range review of its security systems (Temple). In order to show its sincerity in making its airports secured and safe, the company has started using technological innovations such as hold-baggage screening, new security screening and x-ray screening (Temple). In line with the company’s purpose of ensuring safety and health of its passengers and employees, policies and programs have been adopted. Additionally, according to the report, the company’s stance on security is that it is considering it as a crucial issue. Aside from its possible effect on the company’s reputation, it also recognizes its effect on passengers’ experiences. As such, the company works closely with the government agencies, armed forces, and police force in order to upgrade its security system and match with that of government security (Temple). Furthermore, it has committed itself to comply with regulations concerning safety. In accordance with this, the Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) Executive Committee have been founded with the primary goal of determining and addressing these issues affecting the company (Temple). With the growing environmental concern, some say that aviation industry is not a sustainable business. However, BAA has proven this statement wrong. In order that environmental issue be addressed and at the same time maintain or increase the profitability of the company, the company may enhance its training on environmental awareness to its employees and passengers. In addition, carbon dioxide emission can be reduced through the use of biodeisel and other alternative energy. Moreover, through reducing its flight, the company could decrease its environmental impact but can increase profit because all flights would be certainly be filled. Another measure could be on the retail sector. Since the airports are open for stores, environmental measures should also be imposed upon them. Some of the policy that can be adopted is the ban on non-recyclable things. Through this measure, all waste coming from stores would be put to recycling areas. Finally, the company could enhance its pro- environment policies despite cost on its part. This way, the cost would be repaid by the loyalty and continued patronage of the passengers. References BAA. (2008). Corporate Responsibility. Retrieved October 31, 2008, from http://www. baa. com/portal/site/default/menuitem. a875fc32913746f398a5e186c02865a0/. House of Commons, Great Britain Parliament Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee. (2004). International Challenge of Climate. London: The Stationery Office. Kutz, M. (2008). Environmentally Conscious Transportation. London: John Wiley and Sons. ROHS. (2008). Restriction on the Use of hazardous Substances (ROHS). Retrieved October 31, 2008, from http://www. rohs. gov. uk/. Temple, M. (2008). BAA Annual Report 2005/06. Corporate Responsibility. Retrieved October 31, 2008, from http://www. baa. com/assets//B2CPortal/Static%20Files/BAA_Annualreport_05-06. pdf. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. (2008). Kyoto Protocol. Retrieved October 31, 2008, from http://unfccc. int/kyoto_protocol/items/2830. php.

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