Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Body Image, Peer Pressure, and Identity in Mean Girls Essay

It has not been too long ago that I still remember my adolescent years. I always remember the unintelligent things I did that I wish could change, but this Psychology class made me realize that all adolescents go through the same things I experienced. Adolescents are known to try to find their identity, go through peer pressure, make mistakes, and try new things. The move I picked that closely represented what adolescents go through was â€Å"Mean Girls†. Some of the scenes in the movie seem a little exaggerated, but it has happened in certain high schools even though I had not experienced it personally. In the movie â€Å"Mean Girls†, there is a new girl named Caty that moves back to the United States from Africa. She was home schooled all†¦show more content†¦Berger states that â€Å"appearance is connected to sexual drives since appearance attracts sexual interest. Young adults care about how they look because, quite naturally, they want attention from each other† (2008, p. 453). Teenagers spend lots of money on the latest trends of clothing in order to make themselves look better. Some adolescents start to become self conscious about their looks when they are insecure. In certain cases, some adolescents develop an eating disorder. They forget that being healthy is the most important thing during this time of their life. A lot of adolescents go through puberty and if they do not eat properly, it can cause harm to their growth. In the movie, Regina wanted to lose 3 pounds. She did not eat and decided to only eat the protein bars that Caty gave to her. Regina thought the protein bars would help her lose weight. However, adolescents do not know that a healthy diet and exercise can actually help them lost weight. Instead, adolescents choose to become anorexic or bulimic. Anorexia is when an individual â€Å"voluntarily undereat and overexericis, depriving their vital organs of nourishment† (Berger, 2008, p. 459). The National Institute of Health states that â€Å"Young people with anorexia nervosa, for example, have difficulty maintaining a minimum healthy body weight. Anorexia affects one in every 100 to 200 adolescent girls and a much smaller number of boys† (National Health, 1999). BulimiaShow MoreRelatedYoung People ´s Sexuality and Sexting1436 Words   |  6 Pages0 activities such as social networking sites. It has been defined as the ‘exchange of sexual messages or images’ (Livingstone et al., 2011) and ‘the creating, sharing and forwarding of sexually suggestive nude or nearly nude images’ (Lenhart, 2009) through mobile phones and/or the internet. There are many factors associated with sexting. 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