Tuesday, July 23, 2019

EU LAW Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

EU LAW - Coursework Example In this regards, Article 21 states that there should not be any discrimination with respect to religion, colour, cultural or social origin, generic features, language, political faith, minority, property, disability, age and gender (Pearson Education, n.d.). Principles of Directive 2004/38 Article 6 denotes that EU Citizens have the right of residence on the area of other EU member nations for a period up to three month (Europa, 2004). Hence, considering the principles stated in Article 6 of EU Law, as an EU citizen, Sally has the right to reside in Spain for employment purposes for three months. However, if Sally desires to remain in Spain for over 3 months, there is a need for registering herself with any of the relevant governmental bodies in the region such as â€Å"town hall† or â€Å"local police station†. ... The Directive principles have also been pursued for eliminating needless limitations on the â€Å"Free Movement of Workers†. This directive principle has perpetually narrowed the pathway for employees, so that they can search for work in any other EU nations. On the basis of Directive 2004/38/EC, the people of EU can authorise their existence in any of the EU nations within a rational and unbiased span of time. However, depending on the duration to reside in foreign nations, other procedures also require to be fulfilled (European Parliament, n.d.). Case 48/75 Royer under Directive 2004/38 -14(4) (b) The case of Royer provides significant insight about the free movement of workers. The case agrees that freedom of institution of self-employed person and autonomy to offer services are all reinforced by the injunction of discrimination with respect to nationality. In the case, it has been depicted that freedom of employees depend on the similar principles as they concern the entry and reside into other EU nation which has been considered within the community regulations and the preventions of all judgements which is majorly based on racial differences (Tovey, 2003). Article 18 TFEU The subject matter of Article 18 TFEU is to implement initiatives with the aim to combat discrimination on the basis of nationality. To be precise, this article states that the right of individuals will not be differentiated with respect to race which is considered as the fundamental principle of EU law (Pearson Education, n.d.). Article 6 of Regulation 1612/68 In the year 1968, the â€Å"Council of European Communities† sanctioned â€Å"Council

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